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发表于 2018-9-24 08:17:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>My Dad&#39;s Hands</p>
<p>Bedtime came, we were settling down,</p>
<p>I was holding one of my lads.</p>
<p>As I grasped him so tight, I saw a strange sight:</p>
<p>My hands. . .t辽宁最好的癫痫医院hey looked like my dad&#39;s!</p>
<p>I remember the中华美食m well, those old gnarled hooks,</p>
<p>there was always a cracked nail or two.</p>
<p>And thanks to a hammer that strayed from its mark,</p>
<p>his thumb was a beautiful blue!</p>
<p>They were rough, I remember, incredibly tough,</p>
<p>as strong as a carpenter&#39;s vice.</p>
<p>But holding a scared little boy at night,</p>
<p>they seemed to me awfully nice!</p>
<p>The sight of those hands - how impressive it was</p>
<p>in the eyes of his little boy.</p>
<p>Other dads&#39; hands were cleaner, it seemed</p>
<p>(the effects of their office employ).</p>
<p>I gave little thought in my formative years</p>
<p>of the reason for Dad&#39;s raspy mitts:</p>
<p>The love in the toil, the dirt and the oil,</p>
<p>rusty plumbing that gave those hands fits!</p>
<p>Thinking back, misty-eyed, and thinking ahead,</p>
<p>when one day my time is done.</p>
<p>The torch of love in my own wrinkled hands</p>
<p>will pass on to the hands of my son.</p>
<p>I don&#39;t mind the bruise西安中际医院咋样s, the scars here and there</p>
<p>or the hammer that just seemed to slip.</p>
<p>I want most of all when my son takes my hand,</p>
<p>to feel that love lies in the grip.</p>
<p>--David Kettler</p>
<p>Father&#39;s Day</p>
<p>Over the years</p>
<p>As we grow old,</p>
<p>We remember our father</p>
<p>So brave and bold.</p>
<p>In the garden,</p>
<p>Leaning on the plow,</p>
<p>He would listen to me;</p>
<p>I see him now.</p>
<p>He would give advice</p>
<p>And understand;</p>
<p>He was always there</p>
<p>To lend a hand.</p>
<p>God made fathers</p>
<p>Strong and firm,</p>
<p>For he knew our lives</p>
<p>Would have great concerns.</p>
<p>So he gave us fathers</p>
<p>To teach us to pray,</p>
<p>And guide our lives,</p>
<p>And show us the way.</p>
<p>So on his day</p>
<p>Let&#39;s take the time</p>
<p>To say &quot;Thanks, dad.</p>
<p>I&#39;m glad you&#39;re mine.&quot;</p>
<p>Mary Frances Bogle</p>
<p>My Dad</p>
<p>When I was just a tiny kid,</p>
<p>Do you remember when,</p>
<p>The time you kissed my bruises,</p>
<p>Or cleaned by soiled chin?</p>
<p>You scrambled for the balls I hit,</p>
<p>(Short-winded more than not,)</p>
<p>Yet, every time we&#39;d play a game,</p>
<p>You prai军海医院正规吗sed the &quot;outs&quot; I caught.</p>
<p>It seems like only yesterday,</p>
<p>You wiped away my tears,</p>
<p>And late at night I called your name,</p>
<p>To chase away my fears.</p>
<p>Though time has changed your handsome grip,</p>
<p>Your hair is snowy white,</p>
<p>You gait&#39;s a little slower now,</p>
<p>Thick glasses help your sight.</p>
<p>Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,</p>
<p>To be that growing lad,</p>
<p>Re-living all of the memories,</p>
<p>Of growing with my dad.</p>
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