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French art exhibition celebrates the birth of bitcoin 10th anniversary









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2018-9-20 21:59:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
French art exhibition celebrates the birth of bitcoin 10th anniversary

A group of artists from around the world will gather in France to present the upcoming exhibition of the tenth anniversary of the Bitcoin. The artwork will be able to purchase several different encrypted currencies.

International artists gather in France to celebrate the upcoming bitcoin 10th anniversary.

Art (r) evolution is an exhibition to celebrate Bitcoin's forthcoming double-digit birthday. It will show "works by international artists from different perspectives around Bitcoin and encrypted currency themes" in Paris, France.

According to the exhibition website, "the exhibition will demonstrate the potential of encrypted currencies through symbols and practices" and "show the origins of the digital revolution".

The exhibition will be open to the public from September 28th to October 5th.

BTC is hidden in some works of art.

The exhibits will be purchased through BTC, ETH, XMR or LTC. According to the exhibition's website, "[BTC] will be hidden in some works and the authenticity certificate registered in the main chain of [BTC] will also be issued to buyers."

Pascal Boyart, the French artist who organized the exhibition, said: "Our idea is to hold an exhibition in Paris to show possible examples of encrypted currencies and to connect artists who are internationally friendly to encrypted currencies."

Brian O'hagen, Marketing Manager for exhibition sponsor Coinhouse, added: "Through Paris, France has the ability to become the capital of the Art Nouveau movement between art and encrypted currencies." Encryption art redefines the way artists attract audiences. The emergence of encrypted money is not only a monetary revolution, but also a cultural revolution.

Exhibition explores decentralization and the arts industry

According to the exhibition website, the exhibition aims to provide "a unique opportunity" to "crack the possible revolution in the art world caused by encrypted currencies and block chains". The subjects explored include "whether works can now be sold without intermediaries" and whether encrypted money constitutes a "liberation from the art market and banking system" tool.

The artists included Pascal Boyart, Andy Bauch, Coin Artist, Josephine Bellini, Nanu Berks, Bern Mark, Yosh, Saint Phalle Yom, Choq, Young and Ilies Issiakhem.

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